0 Newcastle is my life

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
The Newcastle United Football club has a long and illustrious history. They were founded in 1892. This club came about as the result of a merger of two other teams. The two teams that merged were the Newcastle East End and the Newcastle West End teams. Much like American football teams, the Newcastle United Football Club has catchy nicknames. They are known as the Magpies or the Toons. When it comes time to take the field, at home, Newcastle players don black and white stripes with black shorts. When they are away from home they sport a light blue shirt with black trim and light blue shorts. The team crest is a beautiful design that sports two sea horses.
From 1939 to 1946 they were part of the wartime league. The team did not achieve any successes during this time. It was a scaled down version of the league as many players left to fulfill military obligations. When post war play began the Newcastle United Club spent a few years in the 2nd division. However by 1948 they returned to the first division.The Magpies fielded a team that found A great deal of success in the 1950s. The team won the Fa cup in 1951, 1952 and 1955. This success unfortunately was short lived. After that the fans had to endure the lean years. The Magpies have been victorious in a total of four first division titles and 6 Fa cups. The team is listed as the 8th most successful team in England. The Magpies were also credited with winning the 1910 Charity shield and the 1969 Inter-cities fairs cup.The players were a very important piece of the puzzle that put together the teams successes. Top players that played for the Magpies gave the fans a thrill. One of those players was Jimmy Lawrence. He was a goalkeeper that played from 1904 to 1922 and is rated number one for appearances. During this time span he had 496 appearances. Frank Hudspeth, a defender had the second most appearances. He had 472 appearances.However, when you look at the history of the Magpies, one of the statistics that catches most fans interest is the amount of goals scored. Alan Shearer, a modern day footballer, has scored the most goals. He played from 1996 to 2006. During that time he scored the record setting 206 goals.
To this day the Newcastle United football club still fields a formidable team. They play at the St. James’ park. This facility has a capacity for 52,409 fans. There is plan on the table however to develop the surrounding area and increase the capacity of the stadium to 60,000 fans.

He's the real legend

0 Anggara's profile

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Hallo Bloggers !!!
Baru nih kita dalam hal blogging, jadi maklumin aja deh kalo emang masih aneh komposisi dari isi blog ane.
Okay immediately wrote a story about me 
Rizky Tri Anggara is my full name. I am still in the process of reaching a science. Exactly 2nd high school classes. My school was in town that gets very hot when hot but very cold when cold, such as Arabic. That's about my school

now with more of my personal story:
     Born as Jakarta citizen on 6 September, but from little i was put in Bekasi. The society to the busy city.

When I was a child I was not too concerned with my style, but after growing up I started to get busy for that. Many do I need. udah ah, jangan belagu pake bahasa Inggris mulu. Lanjut ke cerita, banyak banget yang dibutuhin kalo udah gede mah, tapi sialnya ada aja orang yang bikin kata bijak kayak gini "When you growing up you must concerned with your brains ability to think about your future not only concerned with the style that's too fancy like most people out there". Nah kan ngeliat itu kite jadi risih, tapi ada benernya juga sih. Karna ntu orang yang nge publish kata - kata kayak gitu gua jadi bisa ngendaliin diri kalo ngeliat barang - barang bagus yang minta banget dibeli. Lagi juga duitnya yang kagak ada -_-. 
    Selain penampilan, nih ada olahraga yang tiba - tiba dateng minta banget dijadiin hobi sama gua dan dia juga bisa - bisanya jadi cita - cita gua, yaitu SEPAK BOLA. Pengen banget rasanya jadi pemaen sepak bola. Suka merinding kalo ngeliat film GOAL yang perannya si Santiago Munez bener - bener diceritain gimana buat jadi pemaen bola terkenal apalagi klub yang ada di film itu favorit gua " NEWCASTLE UNITED". Beuh gak kebayang deh ekspresi gua kalo lagi nonton tuh pelm. Dengan cita - cita yang ampe umur 15 tahun ini belom kesampean, gua talangin dulu cita - cita gua ama klub futsal yang berdiri di SMAN 7. Namanya ROMUSHA FC. Kita mulai bener - bener dari "0". Sering banget kita latihan di homebase kita "KASA Futsal". Dari latihan itu kita bisa dapet orang yang dimana dia belom terlalu bisa maen futsal ampe jadi jago kayak Cristiano Ronaldo KW super. Selain jadi tim futsal, kita udah ngelewatin waktu berharga dan kenangan yang susah banget buat dilupain ( Jangan dilupain lah !! ). Di Romusha, kita bisa ngerasain indahnya persahabatan di dalam dunia ini, sedangkan dunia ini mulai muncul manusia -manusia yang gak ngerti akan pentingnya persahabatan.
on left side
   Itu deh little piece of my story in this life sekian terimakasih ASSALAMUALAIKUM !!
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